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The Dead Living #1 "The Emergence" launches the beginning of a compilation phenomenon that will continue to bring life more abundantly to all who hear. TDL features ministers/artists of the gospel from all over the United States and the world. The album also brings a vast array of musical styles that are unique, fun, flavorful, praise triggering, worship lifting, convicting, and yoke breaking. The Dead Living are they who have become dead to sin that they might live a life more abundant in the salvation of Jesus Christ! Thus the old us has been put into a deep grave and the life we now live, we live by faith in God! A Resurrection has taken place and the dead yet much more now the living have been risen and are rising to tell about it! We are here! This series is not limited by the barriers of genre, culture, race, age, or denominations. Rather the focus is on the fact that God loved the world so much that He gave His only begotten Son so that who ever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. This music is great for youth groups, rehabilitation groups, parties, street events, and what ever else you would like. So, are you young? Are you old? Male or female? Rich or poor? Strong or feeling weak? Are you a non-Christian or a Christian? Well, no matter who you are, The Dead Living series has something for you, and will continue to every single time it releases!

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